Achieve Water Intelligence with Real-time Data

Simplify data analysis, controls, and forecasting with data interoperability, automated reporting, alerts, machine learning algorithms, and predictive analytics.

Ketos Shield And Mobile And Laptop
Ketos Reporting &Amp; Alerts
Ketos Reporting &Amp; Alerts Mobile Dashboard

Reporting and Alerts

KETOS currently can monitor 30+ different water parameters, including heavy metals, inorganics, nutrients, and environmental factors. The KETOS software solution includes several standard reports and analysis features. It’s also capable of threshold-based alerts, triggering warnings that can get immediately sent to water operators to allow them to react in real-time during parameter or activity spikes. Testing, reports, and alerts can also be configured to meet your organization’s unique requirements so users can analyze the data and set alerts that ultimately affect operations the most. Choose the parameters you care about and test them all at once using one system in real-time (or at regular pre-determined intervals).

With KETOS, water operators no longer need to hire data scientists or figure out what to do with large data sets. Reports and Excel files no longer get lost in the mix, and all parameters are tracked in one place for easy access. KETOS automates collecting, aggregating, and analyzing relevant data so water operators can focus on process controls and water quality while paying attention to the KPIs that actually impact operations. View and share insights via easy-to-understand dashboards with information organized visually on one single pane to make it straightforward to track, assess, and act on accurate, timely data points that directly affect outcomes across your team.

Data Warehousing & Interoperability

KETOS is not limited to collecting information simply from KETOS sensor systems. Data collected from KETOS sensor systems can be aggregated with publicly available data and existing SCADA system data in a centralized warehouse. These collective datasets can be leveraged to identify and understand issues related to chemical treatment, public health, process control, food processing, effluent discharge compliance, and more.

Data is automatically collected and securely warehoused with communication over Wi-Fi, cellular, or ethernet. KETOS is easily configured to communicate to the cloud using various industry-standard communication protocols. The platform can flexibly integrate decades of static customer data to provide a single unified view of operations.

This centralized approach forms the foundation for automated reporting, threshold-based alerts, and the application of machine learning algorithms so water operators can focus on what they do best. It also means existing infrastructure doesn’t have to be taken apart, rebuilt, or re-imagined. Simply plug KETOS into an existing setup and begin collecting even more insights while centralizing data for more meaningful insights and complete visibility of water quality and usage.

Data Warehousing And Interoperability 1
Ketos Reporting &Amp; Alerts Mobile Dashboard
Machine Learning &Amp; Predictive Analytics

Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics

KETOS machine learning models offer actionable insights by leveraging a comprehensive dataset collected in real-time with precision, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for parameters like selenium, arsenic, chromium, manganese, iron, nitrates, and more.

To date, KETOS has collected tens of millions of data points. That dataset will continue to grow over time, and as that data set grows, so too will the power of the KETOS machine learning models. As our models evolve and mature over time, KETOS users will have access to additional reporting and predictive insights.

Machine learning and predictive insights mean your organization will be able to better predict when to perform maintenance tasks or repair equipment. It will also help predict water usage more accurately so you can begin to map out how much water is used, where, and when to better budget for future usage. With predictive analytics, water operators can access prescriptive decision-making, allowing them to be proactive with their water usage.

With KETOS, water operators can leverage machine learning and predictive insights to identify and solve for equipment/system failures, maintenance tasks, compliance issues, safety concerns, system performance, and consumer behavior. 

Download The Real-Time Water Intelligence Whitepaper

When it comes to monitoring water, why wait on results or spend more money on third-party labs when analysis can happen just as accurately (and more quickly) on-site? Automation, IoT, machine learning, and cloud-enabled hardware makes water monitoring more manageable with less overhead while allowing water operators to focus on what they do best without having to acquire/farm out expertise in data science, cybersecurity, data management, or dashboard development.

With KETOS, learn just how powerful on-site water intelligence can be for your organization. Download our latest whitepaper to learn more about our award-winning offering to solve for:

What Water Quality Parameter Do You Test Most Often?

The KETOS SHIELD remotely monitors dozens of water quality parameters. Which one do your water operators test most often?

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