Application Fact Sheet

Ground Water

Companies using groundwater are already increasing their collaboration with local communities to improve existing infrastructure, reduce costs, and monitor local water supplies alongside governmental entities. However, we can still streamline water usage across industries. Download our groundwater fact sheet to learn more.
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KETOS: Solving for Water Challenges in Ground Water

Ground Water FactsheetKETOS SHIELD provides accurate, real-time monitoring for dozens of water-related parameters via a multi parameter water quality sensor. Monitoring your groundwater is accessible via an interoperable, modular system that uploads data to the cloud for secure 24/7 access. Learn more about our service offering by downloading the KETOS groundwater fact sheet today.

Download our Groundwater Fact Sheet and uncover how KETOS is working with businesses, utilities, and local communities to help efficiently monitor their ground water while ensuring:

  • Real-time lab-accurate on-site water quality sampling
  • Simultaneous water quality testing of 30+ parameters
  • An easy setup 
  • 24/7 access to current and historical data via cloud-enabled storage

Groundwater is Not an Infinite Resource

With climate change disrupting water patterns and ever-growing populations (sometimes in regions with limited water resources), actively protecting groundwater resources can be challenging. Groundwater is a drinking water resource. However, it’s also often a primary source for industrial or agricultural applications. While so much of the human population (and industrial activity) relies on ground water, its supplies are finite.

Less than 2% of the world’s total water resources are in the ground, yet we rely on it so much in many areas that we’re putting supplies at risk. Therefore, protecting it from overuse and contamination must remain everyone’s top priority.

How Contaminants Can Enter Groundwater Sources

Human activities can cause the contamination of groundwater. If not properly remediated, industrial and manufacturing discharges can leach into groundwater and aquifers. Urban activities, agriculture, and waste disposal can also affect groundwater quality. While human activities may begin at the surface level, the results of large amounts of untreated or poorly treated water can eventually leach down into water tables and contaminate wells and aquifers.

Protecting Groundwater Resources via Technology

Historically, monitoring groundwater resources has been a challenge. For example, ground water is a hidden resource spread out (underground) in large and small parcels worldwide. This may make regular manual sampling more complicated. However, with advancements in water monitoring technology, including automation, cloud data storage, IoT, and AI, it’s easier than ever to monitor groundwater to ensure its health and safety.

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