Application Fact Sheet

Produced Water

As regulations become more stringent and communities more closely monitor oil and gas operations, water operators must ensure that produced water testing and treatment meets specific environmental compliance and safety standards. Find out more in our produced water fact sheet.
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Download The Produced Water Fact Sheet

KETOS: Solving Water Challenges in Produced Water

Produced Water FactsheetProduced water often needs to be treated before release into the environment. To do so safely, operators must understand produced water makeup so that chemicals, heavy metals, and dissolved solids can be identified and removed. Each operation has its own unique processed water composition, requiring the tracking and removal of different parameters and contaminants. Download our produced water fact sheet to learn more about produced water and how KETOS can make monitoring it more affordable and efficient.

Download our Produced Water Fact Sheet and uncover how KETOS is working with businesses, utilities, and local communities to help efficiently monitor water while ensuring:

  • Real-time sampling of produced water
  • Lab-accurate results with every test
  • Simultaneous sampling of 30+ parameters via a multi parameter water quality sensor
  • On-site automation of produced water quality testing (for less human intervention)
  • 24/7 access to current and historical data (plus threshold alerts) via cloud-enabled storage

Produced Water Composition

Produced water composition can vary from region to region and well to well, as it depends on the chemistry of the rocks it comes into contact with. Some areas can be up to 10X more saline than seawater. Produced water can also contain oil residues, naturally occurring radioactive material, heavy metals, or dissolved organic compounds, among other contaminants. Therefore, it must face adequate treatment before returning produced water to the environment. To do that, accurate monitoring is required so that operators can understand quality and, in return, the proper remediation needed to meet regulatory and compliance standards. 

Technology for Better Produced Water Quality Monitoring

Monitoring for produced water quality has traditionally had its challenges. For example, companies tend to rely on manual sampling. But how can a company properly monitor all wells spread across remote areas or significant geographical locations? Technology has made water monitoring easier by allowing oil and gas operators to automate sampling and testing in one convenient device. And, as technology gets more agile and inexpensive, it’s made more and more sense to turn to technological solutions that deploy directly on-site to monitor more wells more often.

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