Case Study

Proactive Water Monitoring and Maintaining Compliance in Real-time

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Fortune 500 Food Company Leverages the KETOS SHIELD to Stabilize Water Quality, Reduce Chemical Costs, and Ensure Compliance with Proactive Water Quality Monitoring.

Fully Integrated Water Monitoring Solution

Measures Dozens of Water Quality Parameters

Real-Time Reporting & Alerts


The KETOS SHIELD was installed at various production locations across the United States to monitor water quality parameter levels critical to compliance and overall process control

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A leading global food producer, this Fortune 500 company serves customers in 100 countries across six continents. It is the number one beef and poultry producer in the world – and the number two pork producer globally. The KETOS SHIELD was installed at various production locations across the United States to monitor water quality parameter levels critical to compliance and overall process control.

Download this case study to see how the KETOS SHIELD allows this global food producer to benefit from 24/7 insight into critical water quality parameters. 


KETOS SHIELD Highlights for Meat Processing

Download This Case Study Now

KETOS Awards

KETOS Overview

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KETOS is a fully integrated platform that combines hardware, software, connectivity, automated reporting, predictive analytics, and maintenance to automate water monitoring and testing. KETOS enables water operators to identify and solve mission-critical water efficiency and quality challenges in real-time, or before they happen through predictive algorithms, to ensure that water meets specific quality and safety standards.

Patented and Proprietary Hardware

Fully Automated, Cloud-based Solution with No Maintenance Hassle

Real-time Detection, Analysis, and Reporting

Robotics Automation with Proprietary Material Science

Advanced Predictive Analytics with
Machine Learning

Dozens of Parameter Detection Including Heavy Metals in Real-Time

KETOS delivers a holistic solution for water quality assurance
– an intersection of robotics, data science, and IoT for the world of water.

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