Mining operations, while playing a critical role in global industries, also pose very real environmental risks, particularly when it comes to water quality. One major concern is selenium contamination.
Selenium is a naturally occurring element. It is often released into water sources during mining activities, especially in coal, phosphate, uranium, and metal mining. While selenium is a trace element necessary for human and animal health, excessive levels can be toxic, leading to severe ecological and health impacts.
Mines are particularly concerned about selenium levels due to the element’s bioaccumulative nature. Concentrations can build up, for example, in aquatic life, potentially devastating local ecosystems and harming communities reliant on these water sources. That’s why managing selenium levels isn’t just about avoiding fines; it’s about maintaining social license to operate and safeguarding ecosystems.
Selenium Rules for Mining
Globally, regulations dictate acceptable selenium levels in water to minimize environmental and health impacts. However, each country or region varies regarding what is considered an “acceptable” level of selenium. KETOS has partnered with mines in the USA, Canada, Peru, and New Zealand and, therefore, understands the role selenium monitoring and oversight plays in different regions.
In the United States, mining-related selenium discharge is regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established selenium water quality criteria to protect aquatic life, focusing on chronic exposure due to selenium’s bioaccumulative properties. Established in 2016, these criteria include specific limits for selenium in fish tissue (e.g., 15.1 mg/kg in eggs) and water column concentrations (e.g., 1.5 µg/L in still waters and 3.1 µg/L in flowing waters). States are also invited to incorporate these criteria into their water quality standards and enforce them through permits like the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
In Canada, mining-related selenium regulation is enforced under the Federal Fisheries Act and provincial water quality guidelines. The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) recommends a selenium concentration limit of 1 µg/L in water to protect aquatic life. At the same time, British Columbia (home to significant mining activities in Canada) sets its limit at 2 µg/L. Mines must also adhere to site-specific permits issued by provincial authorities to manage selenium discharges effectively. As of 2021, changes to Canada’s Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MDMER) also made regulations around mining much more stringent.
Non-compliance incurs steep fines and mandates corrective actions to mitigate environmental harm. These requirements include building water treatment facilities, altering mine planning, and conducting rigorous fish and water monitoring.
Peru regulates selenium discharge from mining activities through its General Mining Law. This law oversees nine mining activities, with nationals and foreigners subject to the same regulations. Related environmental regulations are overseen by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) and the Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA).
Tailings management and water discharge quality are key areas of compliance in Peru, often aligned with international frameworks like the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM). Peru also collaborates with America’s EPA, with parties establishing frameworks to enhance bilateral/regional environmental cooperation – including around mining activities.
New Zealand
New Zealand regulates mining-related selenium via its overarching environmental framework governed by the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and the Crown Minerals Act 1991. These laws require mining operations to minimize environmental impacts, including those related to selenium discharge.
Mining companies in New Zealand must obtain resource consents to discharge contaminants into the environment. These consents are managed by local and regional councils, which assess potential environmental and community impacts. As a trace element often released in mining activities, selenium typically falls under these discharge permits. Non-compliance with the RMA or specific consent conditions can lead to significant penalties. In severe cases, directors or managers of companies may face personal liability, including imprisonment.
No matter the country or region, protecting environmental health and safety is a serious endeavor, and compliance is non-negotiable. Mines may face heavy fines and operational shutdowns. At the same time, different governing bodies have different compliance thresholds a multinational mine must consider. To meet stringent compliance demands, mines need a solution that can handle various climates, maintain lab accuracy, and be able to measure selenium levels with lab accuracy.
Facing costly fines has been a longstanding issue for mines around the world. Up to this point, mines have relied on manual, tedious, and time-consuming sampling and lab testing that deliver results across longer timeframes and with great irregularity. For many mines, this has exacerbated compliance violations and led to ever-increasing expensive fines for violations that quickly grow out of control and can lead to millions of dollars in losses.
Mines need a way to understand their water in real-time and to gain access to data points that can help them act proactively and prescriptively to water quality issues. KETOS is providing just that to our customers. With our technology, our mining partners are discovering just how powerful AI, robotics, and automation can be.
KETOS and Selenium Monitoring
KETOS has redefined water quality monitoring for mines by offering technology that goes beyond conventional methods. Our solutions empower mining operators to meet compliance standards around selenium and 35+ other parameters to reduce environmental impact and maintain compliance all while simplifying the process of water monitoring.
Why KETOS is a Game Changer
With KETOS, our mining partners can actively monitor for selenium as well as other heavy metals and environmental factors covered by regional regulatory bodies. Mining water operators can:
- Set Threshold Alerts: Real-time alerts ensure operators act immediately if selenium levels approach unsafe thresholds. Threshold levels can be set based on internal compliance or regional laws and regulations and are adjustable, meaning when environmental law changes, a mine can instantly adjust.
- Automated Monitoring: The KETOS SHIELD system autonomously samples and tests water, removing the need for manual intervention.
- Flexible Frequency: Users can decide what to test for (35+ parameters), when and how often to test based on site-specific needs.
- Remote, Modular Monitoring: Ideal for large-scale and remote mining operations, KETOS devices can be placed strategically to track water influent/effluent while offering 24/7 insights. Operators can collect data from anywhere and do not have to be present to trigger or record samples.
- Modular Setup: Systems are tailored for indoor or outdoor use, ensuring adaptability across diverse environments. Our devices are weather-proven and can be attached to a battery or solar power to make use of them efficiently and effectively in challenging/remote locales.
- Data Insights: Historical and real-time data allows operators to track selenium and other water parameter trends to optimize treatment processes.
By leveraging the KETOS SHIELD and Smart Water Intelligence Platform, mines minimize compliance risks, avoid costly penalties, and maintain community trust.
KETOS for All Kinds of Monitoring
Mining partners typically use one single KETOS device to monitor for an average of 12 to 16 different parameters. Many use our solution to monitor for not only selenium, but:
This comprehensive approach saves time, reduces costs, and improves operational efficiency.
Case Study: KETOS and a Global Mining Leader
KETOS is already working with seven out of the top ten mining companies in the world, and the mines we partner with include gold, copper, palladium, and coal. One such client, a multinational specializing in platinum-group metals and other valuable resources, sought a streamlined, accurate water quality monitoring solution.
The mine struggled with manual sampling, which provided inconsistent results and a lack of integration with its SCADA system. This hindered their ability to monitor influent and effluent metal concentrations effectively.
The company installed two KETOS SHIELD devices to monitor water quality at key points in their treatment process. Integrated with the KETOS Smart Water Intelligence Platform, they achieved:
- Automated sampling and real-time testing for critical parameters
- Seamless SCADA integration
- Time savings of 20+ hours per month
- Enhanced insights into treatment effectiveness
With KETOS, the company now benefits from 24/7 monitoring, immediate exceedance alerts, and data-driven decision-making, enabling compliance and sustainability.
Water Quality Monitoring Beyond Selenium
Selenium is just one of the many critical water quality parameters mining companies must monitor. Since mines bear the responsibility of protecting nearby ecosystems and communities, compliance with regulations is essential to their success. After all, while fines for violations may be enormous, the damage to reputation can take generations to heal, and the cost to ecosystems and communities may be difficult to reverse.
KETOS can act as a bulwark against compliance violations – and help mines do their part to protect the environment actively. With access to our cutting-edge technology, mines gain access to the power of real-time monitoring for selenium and countless other parameters. The result: a dramatic decline in compliance violations, more transparency, and better control over a mine’s water resources and surrounding supplies. KETOS doesn’t just provide mines with the means to enhance their operational efficiency—it also helps them cement their commitment to sustainable practices.