Monitor Water For 30+ Parameters in Real-Time with KETOS SHIELD

Replace manual water sampling of lead, copper, TDS, manganese, mercury, (and more) to save hundreds of hours each year. See what all the KETOS SHIELD can measure!

PFAS Exposure In the USA

Try our Proximity Finder Tool to determine your level of risk exposure to PFAS. Search by address, zip code, or city. Try It Free >

WEBINAR: Operational Value of Water Quality Intelligence in Agriculture

Oct 23, 2024 at 11:00 AM EST

Retrofitting vs Net New Data Centers: What are The Benefits and Tradeoffs?

Are there benefits to simply retrofitting existing data centers? Or is it better to start from scratch?

As data centers attempt to keep up with growing demand, here are some best practices to consider, depending on if your data center is co-location, a hyper-scaler, or one of the many on-prem across the country.