Manual testing and collecting samples for water quality lab analysis can be a daunting task under normal circumstances. For example, how do operations in remote locations manage their operations – and their personnel – under remote and sometimes challenging geographical conditions?
In our latest webinar with Breakwater Energy, KETOS spoke with Nathan Askins, Director of Business Technology, to get his take on the challenges and how KETOS addresses them.
You can view a portion of the webinar discussing remote locations here:
In the case of Breakwater (and many other oil and gas operations), indoor and outdoor sampling may need to occur. Companies working remotely or in the elements need a rugged and robust system that can test the water no matter where including streams, pipes, ponds, and tanks.
Water Monitoring in Outdoor and Remote Operations
The KETOS SHIELD can handle outdoor conditions with ease. It’s also a modular system, meaning companies can place the hardware at strategic nodes throughout their operations. This gives them geographical coverage of their operations under unique and varying monitoring circumstances.
Installing hardware in remote locations can save thousands of hours in human labor expenses, especially when sizeable geographical coverage is needed. No longer will a company need to send out personnel to sites to test manually and/or collect samples. Additionally, third-party labs will no longer be required as analysis is done right at the source, within the KETOS device. Instead, the devices are self-cleaning and self-calibrating, with necessary maintenance built into a low monthly fee.
In Breakwater’s case, testing requirements included travel across miles of lease roads in the middle of West Texas. Collecting samples and checking for water quality took time and these remote areas generally lack civilization or infrastructure. Previous to installing KETOS in such remote, challenging conditions, Breakwater found it challenging to get water samples to understand their water parameters. Automation has therefore been a game-changer.
Autonomous Water Sampling: Collect and Observe From Anywhere
Autonomous water sampling is changing the game for companies with remote operations (like Breakwater). Having physical human presence across miles of oil and gas operations is fast becoming a thing of the past. With autonomous testing, modular systems can install wherever water samples need to pull from. That means samples can be gathered concurrently from any number of devices at regular intervals to measure thresholds and monitor a wide range of parameters. Devices can also individually calibrate so that each one can test for a unique combination of parameters so that companies get bespoke data coverage for each location.
With KETOS, data is collected at regular intervals autonomously. Once assembled, it’s uploaded to the cloud so that water operators can see the latest reading in real-time without having to trek out to the site itself or wait for third-party lab analysis. Each modular hardware system feeds its reading centrally to a cloud-enabled dashboard so that water readings from locations that may be miles apart are all centralized into one simple, streamlined dashboard to make water analysis easy, efficient, and effective. As a result, water operators will get unparalleled visibility with the capability to focus on specific areas of concern as needed.