Chemical Dosing Reduction Using KETOS

Organizations are often required to chemically dose the water they use across their production and/or treatment processes. However, the wrong balance of chemicals can lead to discarded batches, damaged equipment, and countless dollars spent bringing an operation back in line.

Companies that require chemical dosing of their process water need a reliable digital solution that can help them balance their chemical usage. For example, in a recent webinar, Breakwater Energy explained how KETOS could deliver just such a solution and how it was a game-changer for their organization. 

Reducing Chemical Waste With Water Quality Monitoring

By making water testing autonomous, the KETOS SHIELD can alert water operators when chemical balances are off, allowing them to adjust exact proportions without wasting chemicals via overdosing or guessing games.

In Breakwater Energy’s case, they needed to understand the exact levels of ORP and chlorine, among other chemicals. Manual testing was an intensive process. It was also expensive and infrequent due to the issues surrounding the limitations of proper regular testing with individual personnel on-site. 

Taking Complexity Out of Water Quality Testing

Another issue Breakwater faced was the complexity of analyzing the data. For example, ORP was a problematic parameter. It was generally good as a real-time indicator of the effectiveness of a chlorine dose. However, it wasn’t giving the company too much information to work with without that real-time element of testing. With the introduction of real-time testing, Breakwater can now effectively use ORP to measure chlorine effectiveness or if the chemistry has changed. 

While the chlorine demand can rise or drop dramatically (with three water sources getting blended), having that real-time knowledge at their fingertips allows Breakwater to make meaningful assessments. They can calculate better how to balance or re-balance their water, enabling them to understand water composition at any given time. KETOS ensures that operations can keep chlorine residual where they need it and allows the company to prevent going for long periods under or over-dosing their water supply. This leads to less waste and increased accuracy in terms of continuous chemical balance.

Applications Beyond Oil and Gas

While Breakwater energy needs a proper chemical balance in their oil and gas operations, many other industries have also benefitted from installing KETOS to help them balance the chemical composition of water.

For example, indoor agriculture operations have benefitted from having real-time water quality updates in their closed-loop water systems. Consistent monitoring helps farming operations ensure the exact chemical balance of nutrients, delivering precise proportions to their plants to provide fresh-tasting, more resilient crops.

Meat processing operators have successfully balanced the chemicals and temperatures in the water they use for cleaning and packaging carcasses and keeping work areas sterilized during processing.

Likewise, textile manufacturers that require the exact balances for dye and fabric treatments are seeing success with autonomous testing.

No matter the operation, with KETOS able to monitor for 30+ parameters, organizations across industries are gaining the insights they need to more accurately dose water. Even the most traditionally challenging readings (such as chlorine and its relation to ORP levels) are delivered in real-time to ensure operators can adapt in a timely fashion to actual water conditions.

Saving Time and Money via Accuracy

Companies have the opportunity to save tens of thousands of dollars simply by making chemical dosing more accurate. Additionally, with KETOS’s $0-CAPEX business model, a company can install and access real-time 24/7 water monitoring across their operations for pennies per test. KETOS is also modular, which means that processes that require different chemical dosing at other strategic locations up and down production lines can have KETOS test for the exact chemical parameters across areas. The combination of modularity, an affordable business model, and less waste for chemical dosing makes KETOS an attractive option for various organizations – from startups to enterprise-level companies. If you’d like a demo to see how KETOS could work for you, contact us today.


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